Sunday, January 19, 2020

Five tips to find the best offset printing in Dubai

Printing is an integral part of any company and even though going paper-less is the demand of the time, it is also necessary to remember that gong 100% paperless is a long road. No matter how much you curtail your paper use, there is bound to be some and this is why printing remains as one of the foremost series that a company needs access to. There are many ways in which this is done and one of thm is offset printing. Offset printing means the presence of an intermediate between the printer and the object to be printed upon and the ink is deflected through this medium. There are many advantages to using this, and one of the most essential ones is that it is cost-effective. If you are also using the same printing technique, here are a few tips that you must keep in mind:
1.       Be in direct touch- It is very important t be in direct contact with th process of printing as this will give you a close association with the final product and a greater control over it. You will be able to understand the process, which might come in handy later and will also be able to place your demands to the other party directly. If you are doing the printing on our own (which is also a good and cost-effective idea) as it requires certain knowledge of the field but maintain a close and continuous relationship with the printer will be very beneficial for you.
2.       Get in touch with an agency- Finding the best printing service for yourself might be difficult because of the certain knowledge that you need to have for it. If you do not have the correct contact or are not satisfied with your search, it would be a good idea to get in touch with an agency. These printing agencies will act as a broker between you and your printer and will give you ample options to choose from. They would also be able to tell you which technique works best for you and how it does.
3.       Designing team should be a part of the process- The printing is an integral part of the design of the product and it would not be wrong to say that it is the execution of the same This is why the designing or the creative team has to be a part of the process of printing too. Generally, the creative team that you are working with keeps the printing as a part of its services but if you have an in-house creative team, you will either have to do this on your own or get in touch with a printing agency.
4.       Have a fixed payment mark-up- This requires clear communication and the best way to ensure that there is no hassle regarding the payment, it is good to have it in written. Find an agency that charges for the print management time, that is the charge is according to the time that is spent in press. This will ensure that you are at minimum risk and do not bear the burden of products with error.
5.       Know your printer- By this we mean two things. Firstly, it is a good idea to engage with whoever you are working so that you have a mutually respectful relationship. Secondly, you need to know the capabilities of your printer and their speciality (the good ones always have something unique). You will be able to better enhance your product with their abilities and benefit from it.
ICS offers services of offset printing in Dubai and their quality of work surpasses any other. You should get in touch with them for maximised benefits for your company.

Importance of medical translation services in Dubai

With the advent of globalisation, the world of medicine has taken a turn for the good. Information is being circulated and exchanged and medical practices have grown by leaps and bounds. Doctors and practitioners from all over the world can be in constant touch with each other and all the new discoveries are being shared by all. This has led to a significant improvement in medicine. Another aspect of this globalised medical industry is that medical tourism has seen a significant rise. People from different parts of the world are partaking in medical practices of different countries and it has given rise to specialisation and the availability of cheap treatment to many people. The biggest barrier that one can think of while accessing these advantages is that of language and this is where medical translation becomes important. This type of translation is not simple and requires a certain understanding of medical terminologies to be successful. Here are a few advantages of making using o medical translation in this global world:
1.       It makes medical tourism complete- Medical tourism involves the coming together of different linguistic practices on one forum and the translation plays a very important role here. It not only provided the patients with the information that they are entitles to but also makes it easier for the doctors to explain the process and keep the communication clear and effective. Medical translation is essential for the medical tourism in a country to flourish and actually make a difference.
2.      Helps in better exchange of ideas- Healthcare is one aspect of human life that should be completely democratised and the first step to doing that is the free flow of information. Medical discoveries and advancements in one country should not be limited to that country itself but should be able to spread to all of humankind and that is possible only when there is an available language for it. This will not only make the world a better place to inhabit but bring significant changes in the quality of life of people.
3.      Promotes global equality- This is an extension of the previous point. The lesser developed countries do not have the resources and infrastructure at their disposal that would make medical discoveries easy. The more developed ones are able to do so at a much convenient platform. This does not mean that the population of the former countries should be deprived of the advancements of humankind. Medical translation ensures that there is a practise of equality at the global level especially when something as precarious as human health is concerned.
4.      Gives more chance to smaller communities- There are certain languages that have an upper hand when it comes to the number of people who know it. Indigenous and smaller populations are deprived of this advantage but medical translation will ensure that even their advancements get a global recognition and do not remain limited to smaller areas.
ICS provides services of medical translation in Dubai and helps in accentuating all these advantages that we mentioned.